Acta Energetica <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-4 col-sm-4"><img class="img-responsive" style="border: 1px solid #dadada;" src="" alt="Card image" width="280" height="397" /></div> <div class="clearfix visible-xs"> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8 col-sm-8"><strong style="color: #008cba;">Acta Energetica</strong><br /><br /> <table class="table table-sm" style="padding: 4px !important;"> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Editor-in-Chief:</strong></td> <td>Dr. D.P. Kothari <p>Director Research at Wainganga College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur<br />Former Vice Chancellor at VIT University Vellore<br />Former Director I/C IIT Delhi<br />Former Director General at VITS Indore<br />Former Director General at RGI Nagpur<br />Former Director General at JD Institution Nagpur<br />Former Director General at TGPCET Nagpur</p> <p><a title="Google Scholer Profile" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="Google Scholer Profile" width="28" height="28" /></a> <a title="ResearchGate Profile" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="ResearchGate Profile" width="22" height="22" /></a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>ISSN:</strong></td> <td>2300-3022 (Online)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Frequency:</strong></td> <td>Quarterly (4 Issue Per Year)</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Nature:</strong></td> <td>Online</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Language of Publication:</strong></td> <td>English</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Indexing:</strong></td> <td>DOAJ, Microsoft Semantic Scholar, Scilit - Scientific, Google Scholar, BASE</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Funded By:</strong></td> <td>Acta Energetica</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <p>Welcome to Acta Energetica, a leading scholarly journal dedicated to advancing the understanding and application of energy science and technology. Founded with a commitment to excellence, Acta Energetica serves as a platform for researchers, engineers, policymakers, and industry professionals to exchange knowledge, insights, and innovative solutions in the field of energy.</p> <p>The journal is distributed to various institutions, ranging from universities, research libraries, research institutes and energy industry companies, to associations and organisations in the local energy sector. The quarterly is also published in English so that about 200 copies of each issue go to the international research centres with a view to spread scientific activity.</p> <p><strong>Our Mission</strong></p> <p>At Acta Energetica, our mission is to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and facilitate the dissemination of high-quality research to address the complex challenges facing the global energy landscape. We strive to promote sustainable energy development, encourage technological advancements, and support evidence-based policymaking for a cleaner, more efficient, and resilient energy future.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Research Areas including: </strong></p> <ul style="text-align: justify;">Acta Energetica covers a wide range of topics within the field of energy, including but not limited to: <li>Renewable energy technologies and applications</li> <li>Energy efficiency and conservation</li> <li>Sustainable energy systems and infrastructure</li> <li>Energy policy, economics, and regulation</li> <li>Energy storage and grid integration</li> <li>Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies</li> <li>Clean transportation and mobility solutions</li> <li>Energy transition and decarbonization pathways</li> <li>Advanced materials and technologies for energy generation and storage</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <h2 style="background: #222; color: white; text-align: center; font-size: 20px; padding: 5px;"><strong>Editorial Team</strong></h2> <p>Acta Energetica is supported by a distinguished editorial board comprised of renowned scholars and experts in various fields of energy research. Our editors bring extensive expertise and experience to ensure the highest standards of quality and relevance in published content.</p> <h2 style="background: #222; color: white; text-align: center; font-size: 20px; padding: 5px;"><strong>How to Get Involved</strong></h2> <p>We invite researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and industry professionals to engage with Acta Energetica in various ways:</p> <ul> <li> <p><strong>Submit Your Work:</strong> Share your latest research findings, innovations, and insights by submitting original manuscripts for consideration.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Peer Review:</strong> Join our community of peer reviewers to contribute your expertise and help ensure the quality and integrity of published research.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Stay Informed:</strong> Keep up-to-date with the latest developments in energy science and technology by subscribing to Acta Energetica and following us on social media.</p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> en-US Sun, 21 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Grey Wolf Optimization Based Maximum Power Point Tracking Under Complex Operational Conditions <p>Efficiently harnessing solar energy is pivotal in the pursuit of sustainable energy sources. Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) techniques are essential for optimizing the performance of photovoltaic (PV) systems, especially under challenging operational conditions. This study presents a comprehensive numerical simulation and analysis of a novel Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) based MPPT algorithm tailored to address complex operational scenarios, including partial shading, temperature fluctuations, and varying solar irradiance. The research begins with an in-depth exploration of the GWO algorithm, a nature-inspired optimization technique. The GWO algorithm's integration with MPPT in PV systems is thoroughly investigated. A precise mathematical model, based on the single-diode five-parameter model, is employed to emulate the nonlinear characteristics of PV panels. Numerical simulations are conducted using MATLAB/Simulink with real-world data inputs, replicating diverse operational conditions. Comparative assessments are made against traditional MPPT methods like Perturb and Observe (P&amp;O) and Incremental Conductance (IncCond). Key performance metrics, including tracking efficiency, convergence speed, steady-state oscillations, and energy yield, are rigorously evaluated. The results demonstrate the superiority of the GWO-based MPPT algorithm in complex operational conditions, with higher tracking efficiency, faster convergence, and reduced steady-state oscillations compared to conventional approaches. This algorithm particularly excels in scenarios with partial shading and rapidly changing solar irradiance. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis is conducted to fine-tune the GWO algorithm's control parameters, enhancing its adaptability to various PV system configurations. In conclusion, this study underscores the potential of Grey Wolf Optimization as an effective tool for enhancing MPPT performance in PV systems under challenging operational conditions. The findings have significant implications for the advancement of renewable energy technologies and their seamless integration into the grid, making this research valuable for engineers and researchers in the field.</p> Dhananjay Jha, Nirma Kumari Sharma Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 20 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Integration of Energy Storage Systems in Radial Distribution Networks for Enhanced Reliability and Efficiency <p>The increasing demand for electrical energy, coupled with the global push for sustainability, has necessitated a transformative shift in power distribution systems. Distributed generation (DG) sources, often based on renewable energy technologies, are being integrated into radial distribution systems to enhance resilience, reduce losses, and promote green energy. This study presents a comprehensive numerical simulation and design approach to identify the optimal placement of DG sources within radial distribution networks. The proposed methodology begins by characterizing the existing distribution system, considering load profiles, fault analysis, and network topology. Through advanced load flow analysis and optimization algorithms, potential locations for DG sources are identified. The optimal size and type of DG units (e.g., solar photovoltaic, wind turbines, or microturbines) are determined to maximize system performance while adhering to technical constraints and economic considerations. Incorporating real-world data and weather patterns, the simulation evaluates the impact of DG integration on voltage profiles, power losses, and system reliability. Different scenarios are assessed to account for varying load conditions and generation outputs. Furthermore, this research addresses the challenges of grid stability and protection coordination in the presence of DG units, ensuring that the distribution system remains robust against faults and disturbances. The outcomes of this study offer valuable insights into the effective deployment of DG sources in radial distribution systems. By optimizing their placement, utilities and stakeholders can enhance grid resilience, reduce carbon emissions, and harness the benefits of renewable energy sources. The results also provide a foundation for decision-makers to make informed investments in sustainable energy infrastructure. In conclusion, this research contributes to the ongoing efforts to transform traditional radial distribution systems into modern, adaptive, and eco-friendly grids by leveraging numerical simulations and design techniques for the optimal integration of distributed generation sources.</p> Kapil Dudi, Neeraj Sharma Copyright (c) 2024 Sat, 20 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Smart Energy Grids: Integrating Advanced Technologies into Core Electrical Systems <p>For the growth of smart energy grids, it is now necessary to include cutting edge technologies in basic electricity systems. The goal of this paradigm change is to make power networks more reliable, efficient, and long-lasting. To make the switch to smart energy grids, many different types of technology must be combined, like Internet of Things (IoT) devices, sensors, and communication networks. These parts make real-time tracking and data collection easier, so grid workers can quickly make decisions based on accurate information. Smart meters allow for two-way contact between users and the grid, which creates an energy environment that is flexible and adaptable. Algorithms for machine learning are very important for figuring out how to best use energy, predicting problems, and keeping the grid stable. These programs help make forecast maintenance plans by looking at very large datasets. This cuts down on downtime and the overall cost of maintenance. In addition, smart grids make it easy to add green energy sources like solar and wind, which makes the energy mix more viable. In this trip of change, cybersecurity is the most important thing to think about, and strong steps have been taken to protect the stability of the grid against possible dangers. In the general, the economic effects are also talked about, with a focus on how smart grids can save money, make better use of resources, and help the economy as a whole. This paper talks about the many benefits of adding new technologies to basic electrical systems. It also welcomes a new era of smart energy grids that are strong, long-lasting, and able to adapt to the changing needs of a modern society.</p> Mahesh A. Bhandari, Prema S. Kadam Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 20 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Next-Gen Power Networks: A Comprehensive Study on Smart Energy Integration <p>The goal of this in-depth study is to find out all the different aspects and effects of this revolutionary event that involves integrating smart energy into these networks. Smart technologies, like improved monitors, communication systems, and data processing, need to be used together in order to get the most out of energy production, distribution, and use. These researchers carefully look at how smart grids, green energy sources, and energy storage options can work together to make the power grid more reliable and long-lasting. The use of green energy sources, like sun, wind, and hydroelectricity, is looked at in detail, showing how important they are for reducing environmental damage and adding variety to the energy mix. The research looks into the problems that come up because green energy sources are intermittent and changeable, and it suggests new ways to solve these problems using smart technologies. Adding energy storage systems is also looked at because they play a big part in matching supply and demand, making the grid more stable, and making it easier to add irregular sources without any problems. The study also looks at how AI and machine learning can be used to improve energy management, prediction repair, and demand-response systems, which will make power networks more reliable and efficient. There is also talk about the social and economic effects of integrating smart energy, including the chance to create jobs, lower costs, and make energy more accessible. Basically, this in-depth study gives a full picture of next-generation power networks and how they can change things. It gives information that policymakers, industry stakeholders, and researchers all need to help them find their way in the ever-changing world of smart energy integration.</p> Yadu Prasad Gyawali, Sheetal S. Patil Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 20 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Efficiency Optimization in Core Electrical Systems through Smart Energy Solutions <p>In faster growing modern society, we need to change the way we handle energy so that it is more efficient and smart. In response to this need, this study suggests a complete framework that uses smart technologies to make basic electricity systems more efficient. The proposed study looks at current energy sources and finds problems with the way they work. Then it shows a complex method that mixes cutting edge sensor technologies, data analysis, and machine learning techniques. When these parts work together, they make a smart energy management system that can constantly watch, analyze, and improve how much electricity is used. By using real-time data from monitors, the system can change to changing energy needs and react quickly, reducing waste and better utilizing resources. Machine learning methods are very important for figuring out how people will use things, which lets us make changes ahead of time and stop problems before they happen. In addition, adding automatic control systems improves the system even more, making it more quick and requiring less human input. The suggested system is not only good for the environment, but it is also good for business because it saves a lot of money by using energy resources more efficiently. Organizations can find a long-term balance between using and saving energy by using this smart method. This will help make the electricity system cleaner and more reliable. This study paves the way for a huge change toward smart energy solutions, which will make the future of core electricity systems more safe and efficient.</p> S. A. Sivakumar, Gaurav Pathak Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 20 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Renewable Energy Integration in Core Electrical Infrastructure: A Smart Approach <p>Renewable energy sources need to be deeply integrated into the heart of electricity infrastructure in order for energy systems to become more sustainable and durable. This essay takes a thorough look at the problems and chances that come with adding green energy sources to the current power grid. As the need to stop climate change grows, the focus is on building a strong system that makes sure green resources are used efficiently while keeping the grid stable and reliable. The first part of the study looks at some of the biggest technical problems, like intermittent power, variability, and grid compatibility that have made it hard for green energy sources to be easily added to the power grid in the past. The study suggests new ways to deal with these problems by using improved energy storage technologies, smart grid control systems, and better predicting methods. The paper also talks about the rules and regulations that are in place, emphasizing the need for flexible rules that encourage the use of green energy while also protecting the grid. The study also looks into the social and economic effects of using green energy, with a focus on creating jobs, getting people involved in the community, and growing the economy. It is also emphasized how important it is for public education and information efforts to help people feel good about using green energy.</p> Nadica Stojanovic, M. Jahir Pasha Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 20 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Towards Intelligent Power Distribution: Smart Energy Solutions for Core Systems <p>In the energy distribution world, things are changing quickly. To make things more efficient, reliable, and environmentally friendly, Intelligent Power Distribution (IPD) systems were created. It talks about the change toward smart energy solutions that are made for core systems. With the help of progress in AI, the Internet of Things (IoT), and data analytics, IPD is becoming a revolutionary way to improve power delivery networks. Our main goal with this study is to give you a complete picture of the main parts and functions that make up Intelligent Power Distribution systems. To handle power transfer on the fly, these systems use real-time data collection, predictive analytics, and adaptable control. Through the mutually beneficial interaction of smart sensors and AI algorithms, IPD not only makes power systems more reliable, but it also helps save a lot of energy. The study also looks at how to include green energy sources in IPD models so that an energy environment can last for a long time. IPD changes with the times by carefully balancing the load and automatically directing power lines. It does this by using solar, wind, and other sustainable energy sources without any problems. This makes energy infrastructure cleaner and more reliable, and it also makes us less reliant on standard power lines. The study also talks about how smart grid technologies help different parts of IPD systems talk to each other and work together more easily. Furthermore, the difficulties and possible dangers connected with implementing Intelligent Power Distribution are talked about, highlighting the need for strong safety measures and rules.</p> Waleed F. Faris, Amruta V. Pandit Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 20 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Resilient Smart Grids: Enhancing Core Electrical Systems for Sustainable Energy <p>Resilient Smart Grids are a big change in the way electrical systems work. They aim to make key structures stronger so that renewable energy can be used. This essay looks at the many aspects of improving electrical lines, focusing on resilience as a key factor in dealing with modern problems. Adding smart technologies is very important because it helps with being flexible and quick to respond to changing energy needs and unplanned problems. Adding advanced tracking, control, and communication technologies to standard grids turns them into smart grids, which are more reliable. These new technologies make it possible to analyze data in real time, which helps improve how energy is distributed and how it is used. AI and machine learning techniques help the grid predict, reduce, and recover from shocks, which makes sure that the energy supply is stable and efficient. Decentralized energy sources, like green energy and energy storage systems, are also easily merged. This makes it easier for the grid to handle changes and add more energy sources. Also, safety steps are very important for keeping smart grids safe from possible dangers. The paper goes into detail about how to build durable smart grids and stresses how important it is to have secure communication methods and strong infrastructure to protect against cyberattacks and keep important data safe and private. It is possible for energy environments to be sustainable with the help of adaptable smart grids that improve security, efficiency, and flexibility. In this paper, we look at the main developments, problems, and possible futures of resilient smart grids. We stress how important these grids will be in making future electricity systems more sustainable and able to adapt to changing energy environments.</p> Vivek Deshpande, Romi Morzelona Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 20 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 IoT-Enabled Smart Energy Management in Core Electrical Networks <p>The Internet of Things (IoT) being built into main power grids marks the start of a new era in smart energy management. This essay looks into how Internet of Things (IoT) technologies can help improve the way energy is distributed and used in important electricity systems. We look at the current state of smart energy management systems by reading a lot of books and finding gaps and problems that IoT solutions can help with. The study goes into detail about the technologies that make IoT possible, explaining how sensor networks, communication protocols, and data analytics are used for tracking and controlling things in real time. We look at the unique problems that come up when trying to manage energy in these important systems, focusing on core electricity networks. The paper shows case studies of successful IoT projects that show how they were used in the real world, what lessons were learned, and how problems were solved. Also, worries about privacy and security with IoT systems in the energy field are looked at, along with ways to lower the risks that might happen. Frameworks for regulations and policy concerns are talked about, with a focus on the need for supporting structures to make acceptance easier for everyone. Looking ahead, the paper talks about obstacles and trends that will happen in the future. This helps us understand how IoT is changing in smart energy management. This study helps us learn more about how IoT can change core electricity networks at a time when the energy sector is going through changes that have never been seen before. At the end of the outline, the main results are summed up, and it is emphasized how important this study is for shaping the future of safe and efficient energy management.</p> Nitin N. Sakhare, Mandar S. Karyakarte Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 20 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Optimizing Reliability and Sustainability: Smart Energy Integration in Core Systems <p>Adding smart energy systems to foundational infrastructure seems like a key way to build a strong and long-lasting future. Through the smooth merging of smart energy technologies into important core systems, this study looks into the many ways that dependability and sustainability can be improve. So that we can meet the growing need for energy while also minimizing our effect on the environment, we need new ideas that go beyond the usual ways of thinking. Specifically, our study looks at how smart energy technologies and key systems work together and how they can improve operating dependability and sustainability by working together. To make vital infrastructure more resilient, we look into how clever energy management, grid optimization, and local energy output could change things. We suggest a system for dynamic energy adaptation that uses real-time data analytics, machine learning algorithms, and advanced devices to make sure that usefulness stays the same while also leaving the smallest possible environmental impact. Also, the study looks closely at how smart energy integration can work economically and on a large scale, figuring out how it can help towns and businesses in the long run. Adopting smart energy solutions has real benefits, such as using less energy and putting out fewer greenhouse gases. Case studies and models show these benefits. When it comes to making energy systems that are stable and last a long time, the results show how important technology, policy frameworks, and teamwork between stakeholders are.</p> Samit Shivadekar, Sunita Chaudhary Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 20 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Advancing Electrical Infrastructure: Smart Energy Systems for Future Power Networks <p>Smart energy systems are replacing the old electrical grid, which was made to send power from fixed sources to homes and businesses. These changes are caused by the need for power transfer to be more reliable, efficient, and long-lasting. IoT, AI, and blockchain are some of the new technologies that smart energy systems use to connect to the grid and make it possible to watch, control, and improve power flows in real time.Renewable energy sources, like solar and wind power, being added to the grid is a key part of smart energy systems. These sources are naturally changeable and spread out, so they need complex control systems to make sure they work well together. Machine learning and other AI programs are being used to predict and improve the production of green energy, which keeps the power supply steady.The use of IoT devices for grid tracking and control is another important part of smart energy systems. When put in different parts of the grid, these devices gather information about how power moves, the health of equipment, and the weather. After that, this information is used to make the grid work better, find and fix problems, and make the grid more reliable generally.A big part of blockchain technology is also found in smart energy systems, especially when it comes to peer-to-peer energy sharing. People can buy and sell energy directly with each other using smart contracts based on the blockchain, instead of going through regular energy sellers. This makes things more efficient, encourages the use of clean energy, and lowers carbon pollution.Smart energy systems are the way of the future for power networks because they make them more efficient, reliable, and environmentally friendly. Advanced technologies like AI, IoT, and blockchain are being used in these systems to change how energy is made, distributed, and used.</p> Ekaterina Katya, Naveen Jain Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 20 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Core Systems Reinvented: Smart Energy Technologies Transforming Electrical Grids <p>In the ever-changing world of modern energy systems, adding smart technologies has caused major changes in power lines around the world. This new idea came about because of the need to make things more efficient, reliable, and environmentally friendly while also meeting the growing demand for energy. Smart energy technologies, which are smart and flexible, are changing the way standard grid systems work by adding tracking, analytics, and control features that can be used in real time.Advanced monitors and meters that allow for fine-grained data collection across the grid network are at the heart of this change. These monitors make it easy for information to flow between devices, which gives grid workers new information about how the grid works, how much power is being used, and what problems might happen. At the same time, the widespread use of communication networks and Internet of Things (IoT) devices makes it easier to connect and send data. This makes it easier to connect distributed energy resources (DERs) like solar panels, wind mills, and energy storage systems.Also, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning techniques are very important for making use of the huge amounts of data that smart grids produce. AI-driven analytics improve projection accuracy, make grid operations more efficient, and find repair needs or possible problems before they happen. They do this by looking at past trends and predicting future demand patterns. This ability to predict repair needs cuts down on downtime and running costs, making the grid more reliable and able to handle new problems like hacking threats or extreme weather.Additionally, blockchain technology now provides independent options for managing transactions and enabling peer-to-peer energy trade within microgrids. This promotes energy democracy and gives prosumers the power to actively join in the energy market. Grid-edge computing also makes it possible to make decisions in real time at the network's edge, which makes the system more flexible and eases the load on central infrastructure.</p> R. Senthil Ganesh, Oshin Dhiman Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 20 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Channel State Information Accuracy and its Impact on mMIMO Performance in 6G Industrial Networks <p>The implementation of 5G technology paves way for major changes in terms of wireless communications, these applications are; robots, self-driving cars and even medical equipment. This technology that is based on higher frequency bandwidths and efficient modulation techniques hold the possibilities of enhanced capacities, less latency and better connected network. Nevertheless, there are some contentious issues that should be discussed while talking about 5G networks, one of them is the electromagnetic radiation and its possible influence on health. There are still controversies on whether it is safe to expose people to more RF, though regulatory bodies dismissed this as a concern arguing that the amounts found to be carcinogenic are much higher than RF-EMFs.&nbsp; This paper describes the complex interactions of mMIMO systems for large scale indoor industrial settings, and explores the outcomes of CmMIMO and DmMIMO arrangements. For such an environment, we substantiate a wireless channel model using the collected measurement data and theoretical modeling and analyze the large scale fading behavior and the interplay between different device types and APs. The analysis focuses on evaluating the signal quality identification, which may include aspects such as avg channel gain and also signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR). Furthermore, we also evaluate the outage probability to determine the effect of this parameter on the execution success ratio and the latency of MTC communication in the concerned network environment. It also evaluates the economic and needs for adopting the mMIMO technologies in certain industries and their operations, which are essentials in today’s industrial world. By simulating the channel coefficients using Monte Carlo simulations, we determine and compare the mMIMO deployment scenario outcomes during regular and emergency traffic. Thus, it has been noticed that DmMIMO configurations provide better signal strength and reliability in most of the cases that are beneficial for application in controlling and processing real-time data. From the general comparison table, it is evident that DmMIMO setups, in general, yield better results regarding the network and different settings of the grid and linear deployments yield different results in terms of spectral efficiency and outage probability. This study not only provides insights into the technical and operational aspects of mMIMO systems but also contributes to the ongoing standardization efforts for future wireless communication technologies. It highlights the transformative potential of 5G in supporting the demands of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and sets a precedent for future advancements in 6G technologies.</p> Vikash Kumar Vikash, L. N. Balai Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 01 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000