Synchronous Generator Model with Fractional Order Voltage Regulator PIbDa

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Dariusz Spałek


Synchronous generator together with excitation circuit, voltage controller and system stabilizer constitute nonlinear ordinary differential equations set. The nonlinearity of differential equations set results from magnetic circuits saturation. One of the most important, from the electric energy distribution point of view, is the influence of voltage control applied on the generator voltage. There could be applied regulator either classical PID or fractional of type PIbDa which bases on the so-called fractional derivative idea. Numerical solutions of nonlinear differential equations set, that takes into account both magnetic circuits saturation and fractional regulator PIbDa, lead to decisions either to accept or to reject the chosen parameters. The sensibility of generator work on chosen fractional regulator parameters is the main aim of this paper. With the help of C++ program provided the most important states of work (short–circuit, setting voltage change, reactive power rejection) can be analyzed basing on the accepted model of synchronous generator such as (1,1), (2,2) or (3,3).

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How to Cite
Dariusz Spałek. (2015). Synchronous Generator Model with Fractional Order Voltage Regulator PIbDa. Acta Energetica, (02), 78–90.


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