The Effect of Phase-to-earth Faults on the Operating Conditions of a Separated 110 kV Grid Normally Operated with Effectively Earthed Neutral, and Temporarily Supplied from a Compensated 110 kV Grid

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Wilhelm Rojewski, Marian Sobierajski


The paper discusses the interoperability of the German compensated 110 kV grid and the Polish effectively earthed 110 kV grid. It is assumed that an area of one grid, separated from its power system, will be temporarily supplied from the other grid in its normal regime. Reference is made to the risks associated with phase-to-earth faults in grids so interconnected. Particular attention is paid to the working conditions of surge arresters and voltage transformers in the Polish 110 kV grid deprived of its neutral earthing when supplied from the German grid.

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How to Cite
Wilhelm Rojewski, Marian Sobierajski. (2015). The Effect of Phase-to-earth Faults on the Operating Conditions of a Separated 110 kV Grid Normally Operated with Effectively Earthed Neutral, and Temporarily Supplied from a Compensated 110 kV Grid. Acta Energetica, (02), 114–124.


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Instrukcja Ruchu i Eksploatacji Sieci

Przesyłowej (IRiESP), PSE, Wersja 2.0,

Tekst obowiązujący od 1 sierpnia 2014.

Instrukcja Ruchu i Eksploatacji Sieci

Dystrybucyjnej (IRiESD), Turon

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