Study of the Use of a Matrix Converter for Building a Phase Shifter

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Tomasz Sieńko, Jerzy Szczepanik


This paper presents an analysis of the application of a multi-phase matrix converter (PM) based device as a phase shifter (PS). The analysis was conducted using simulation techniques and measurements performed on a six-phase converter model built in a laboratory. Three basic control schemes and their relation to PM properties are presented. In addition to the phase shifter’s ability to change active power transfer, the device’s impact on reactive power transmission was also shown in the paper. Newly assessed PM properties permit the construction of a PS with higher power system control capacity than with currently available devices. Capabilities of various variants of PM control and fast rate of response of the PS based on it, will undoubtedly be useful in the control of dynamic states of the power system operation (postdisturbance states), e.g. for rapid elimination of generator oscillations or power flow adjustment. This study is an extension of the phase shifter concept presented in previous years, and the continuation assumes the construction of a shifter model for use in an already developed at Cracow University of Technology power system model.

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How to Cite
Tomasz Sieńko, Jerzy Szczepanik. (2015). Study of the Use of a Matrix Converter for Building a Phase Shifter. Acta Energetica, (02), 125–138.


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